Expozitie internationala de pisici de rasa Magnificats Imprimare
Miercuri, 25 Februarie 2015 19:32


    Clubul felin Stammbaum Ev din Germania, sub brand-ul Magnificats, in parteneriat cu Romexpo, in cadrul Petexhibition 2015, organizeaza in pavilionul C2, in zilele de 27 februarie-1 martie 2015, intre orele 10-18 expozitia internationala de pisici de rasa sub egida WCF (World Cat Federation) .

Juriul va fi compus din Anneliese Hackmann (Germania) Presedinte WCF, Andreas Mobius (Germania),, secretar general WCF, Francoise Dubois (Franta) si Edina Reposa (Ungaria).

Publicul va avea posibilitatea sa admire diverse rase, intre care, pentru prima oara in Romania Aphrodite's Giant.Vineri va avea loc un arbitraj demonstrativ, prezentare rase si publicul va avea posibilitatea sa puna intrebari. Sambata si Duminica vor fi 2 zile de arbitraj oficial, cu Best in Show zilnic si in premiera Ring-uri WCF.

Expozitia va avea loc la Romexpo, pavilionul C2



Show fees: 10 euro per cat per day; 3 kittens or more present in the show pay only 5 euro per kitten per day. Ring fees: 10 euro per ring per day.

please be aware that prices above are valid only for registrations received until 7.2.2015.
Registrations received between 8.2.2015 and 14.2.2015 will pay 20% more (i.e. 12 euro per cat per day, and kittens will pay 6 euro per cat per day if minimum 3 present). 
Registrations close on the 14.2.2015 !!

For those participants that have never been to our shows before, this is an outline of what you can expect in terms of socialising ( as always, exhibitors are welcome to join judges, organisers and stewards in the fun):
And by the way, we are careful for the places to be very nice but not expensive.
-Friday evening an informal beer hall/wine bar 
-Saturday evening the "gala dinner" in a more upscale place
-Sunday evening an after show party at our house, bring a bottle, everything else is free.
