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Heidi Klum ads showed too much skin for Las Vegas ? PDF Imprimare
Marţi, 23 Decembrie 2014 19:56




   Images of Heidi Klum will appear in an electronics company's ads inside McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas after all.

    Airport spokeswoman Christine Crews says the company that manages indoor advertising at the airport rejected an initial set of Sharper Image's black-and-white shots featuring the scantily clad model.

    Las Vegas-based Alliance Airport Advertising determined the images violated Clark County code designed to protect families that pass through the airport.

    But Crews says Sharper Image's ad firm, Iconix Brand Group, submitted "amended proofs" on Thursday and all five ads were approved to run from Jan. 3-9 as the company wanted.


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Rolene Strauss ( Miss Africa de Sud ) este Miss World 2014 PDF Imprimare
Duminică, 14 Decembrie 2014 20:10

         Miss World 2014 Is............. Rolene Strauss SOUTH AFRICA   !!!!!!!!

                                   SOUTH AFRICA WINS MISS WORLD!




Top 25 - The Quarter Finalists have been announced!

Here they are!

Bolivia, Brazil, China PR, Dominican Republic, England, Mexico, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Sudan, Vietnam, Finland, Ghana, Kenya, Netherlands, Philippines, Hungary, Australia, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, Trinidad & Tobago and the United States!

One Hour til we find out WHO will be Miss World 2014! DONT FORGET! we still have the Miss World People's Choice Award to come! someone might work their way back into this year's Semi Finals!



  • Age: 22
  • Height: 177
  • Occupation: Student - Medical Studies

  Rolene says her family made her who she is today. A 4th year Medical student, she praises her father’s influence, interesting her in medicine, her mother taught her the power of the mind and her brother, compassion and patience. With a holistic approach to living, she hopes to create a business along these lines focusing on women’s health, alongside her plan of studying for an MBA and becoming a doctor. In her spare time, Rolene enjoys playing the sports golf, netball and cycling, and reading inspirational and educational books. She is also musically minded, and can play the flute, piano and guitar.

“South Africa is celebrating 20 years of democracy this year and I am a proud, born free citizen.”

Question Time With Rolene

What website could you not live without and why?

News 24: It is a local news website with international news on as well. I find it very important to know what is happening around me.

What is the best app you’ve used in the last year?

I love Instagram, simply because a picture is worth a thousand words. Another app that was handy this year is CamCard, an app to upload business card details on your phone!

What item of makeup could you not live without?

I would have to choose blush. You can use it everywhere when in a hurry; lips, cheeks as well as eyelids.

What is your most memorable encounter?

It would have to be the day I bungee jumped off Bloukrans Bridge; officially recognised as the world’s highest commercial Bungee jump. It made me reconsider everything in my life.

Favourite food?

It has to be my mother’s oxtail and ‘stampmielies’ cooked on our coal oven at home.

What annoys you most about the world you live in?

The fact that we as humans don’t realise how much potential we have; to do good, give and make things right. How amazing would it be if we all realised our potential?



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Lansare Dressing Room - cel mai nou si exclusivist magazin din Cluj Napoca PDF Imprimare
Vineri, 05 Decembrie 2014 18:58


    DressingRoom‬, cel mai nou si exclusivist magazin din Cluj Napoca, in incinta Iulius Mall la parter, pentru a descoperi colectiile semnate de Diana Barbur, Amalia Buie, Gabriela Olar, Camelia Roatis, Stefania Olariu, Maia Ratiu, Laura Ion, Mihaela Todor, Maria Burnette, Laura Ciobanu, Alexandra Nagy, Stefania Patcas si nu in ultimul rand Tabita Gliga.

    Magazinul   iti  ofera   rochii de gala, casual, pentru ocazii speciale sau de zi cu zi, paltoane, pardesie, sacouri, jachete, fuste, accesorii pentru fetite, domnisoare, doamne si multe multe alte surprize.

   S-a lansat Dressing Room, un magazin cochet din Iulius Mall Cluj-Napoca, unde 13 designeri  vor expune spre vanzare creatiile vestimentare- Diana Barbur, Amalia Buie, Gabriela Olar, Camelia Roatis, Stefania Olariu, Maia Ratiu, Laura Ion, Mihaela Todor, Maria Burnette, Laura Ciobanu, Alexandra Nagy, Stefania Patcas si Tabita Gliga.

   Magazinul va cuprinde produse vestimentare unicat, inedite, ce se vor schimba cu fiecare sezon.

   Haine personalizate pentru copii si mamici

   "Magazinul va reprezenta Dressing Room-ul de lux al unei doamne care iubeste hainele si stie cat de important este sa detina o garderoba in care sa regaseasca tot  ce isi doreste pentru a se imbraca in viata de zi de zi sau la un eveniment special", a declarat designerul Diana Barbur.

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Bucharest Fashion Week 2014 PDF Imprimare
Vineri, 28 Noiembrie 2014 17:03


        -a XXII-a ediţii a Bucharest Fashion Week,

eveniment care va avea loc în perioada 1-6 decembrie 2014, la Ambasad’Or, Otopeni. Iată programul complet al BFW 2014.

Evenimentul va începe zilnic, de la ora 20.00. Accesul în sală va fi permis până la 19:45.


Program Bucharest Fashion Week 1-6 decembrie 2014:

1 decembrie

Ana Radu
Elena Perseil
George Hojbotă
Nicoleta Obis, Denisa Pricop şi Alexandra Lazăr (Atelierele Ilbah)
Andreea Dogaru

2 decembrie

Cristiana Maria Purdescu
Marija Sabic (Serbia)
Nikita Rinadi (Republica Moldova)
Niki B. (Italia)
Adela Diaconu & Ciprian Vaida
Liliana Andronic & Sergiu Bechian (UAD Timişoara)


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Machiaj perfect ca al lui Kim Kardashian ? PDF Imprimare
Joi, 27 Noiembrie 2014 17:08


    Cea mai ravnita forma a fetei este cea ovala. Prin contouring, indiferent de forma fetei, poti ajunge la cea ovala.
     Caracteristica principala a acestei tehnici este jocul de lumini si umbre, prin care iti poti sculpta chipul, asa cum o face renumita Kim Kardashian, cea care a adus aceasta tehnica in atentia publicului larg.

     Desi aceste metode de machiaj sunt specifice specialistilor din industria beauty, tot mai multe femeie obisnuite isi doresc sa le invete, astfel incat sa se poata bucura in fiecare zi de un machiaj lipsit de cusur!

Pentru ca vrem sa te invatam tehnicile de contouring, am apelat la cunostintele make-up artistului Alina Brailescu.
Pentru a realiza acest tip de machiaj, vei avea nevoie de: doua fonduri de ten cu acoperire mare, unul inchis, altul deschis, o pensula sau un buretel.

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