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Structura cosmică colosală ar trebui să fie prea mare pentru a exista, spun astronomii PDF Imprimare
Marţi, 16 Ianuarie 2024 18:59

                               An artist's impression of a galaxy filament, which are thought to be among the largest structures possible in the universe

    Astronomers have discovered a colossal cosmic structure that’s so big it threatens to undermine our entire understanding of the universe. The Big Ring spans about 3% of the radius of the entire observable universe – and it itself might be part of an ever bigger structure.
   The Big Ring – a name that’s a hell of an understatement – is an almost perfectly circular group of galaxies and galaxy clusters with a diameter of about 1.3 billion light-years, and a circumference of around 4 billion light-years. If it was visible with the naked eye, it would be the size of 15 full Moons in the night sky.

   It’s hard to overstate just how incredibly gigantic that is. Galaxy superclusters are usually the largest relatively common structure in the universe, measuring over a hundred million light-years wide. These can link up into filaments that stretch a few hundred million light-years long, forming part of the cosmic web.

    Not only is the Big Ring bigger than those, but it’s bigger than should be possible for any structure to ever get. According to the Cosmological Principle, a fundamental part of physical cosmology, the universe should look uniform in all directions, for any observer anywhere within it. Sure, there are random variations in the distribution of stars and galaxies, but on the largest scales it all blends together into a homogenous pattern like static. The Cosmological Principle sets an upper limit of 1.2 billion light-years on the size of any structures – a limit that the Big Ring blatantly disregards. To continue the analogy, it would be nigh on impossible for the static on your TV to arrange itself into a big image of the Mona Lisa.

   If it was a one-off find, it might be tempting to dismiss the Big Ring as an anomaly or a mistake. But it’s not the only “impossible” giant structure out there – and it’s not even the biggest. Two years ago the same astronomer, Alexia Lopez at the University of Central Lancashire, discovered a 3.3-billion-light-year-long crescent called the Giant Arc. In 2015 other scientists discovered the Giant GRB Ring, with a staggering diameter of 5.6 billion light-years. And then there’s the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, a galaxy filament that stretches an incomprehensible 10 billion light-years (although its status as a single structure is up for debate).


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Source: University of Central Lancashire

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Ofițer al forțelor aeriene americane a fost încoronat ca Miss America 2024 PDF Imprimare
Luni, 15 Ianuarie 2024 09:52

                 Miss Colorado, Madison Marsh, is crowned as the 2024 Miss America. - From Miss America

   Madison Marsh, a 22-year-old second lieutenant in the US Air Force and master’s student at the Harvard Kennedy School’s public policy program, emerged victorious at the 2024 Miss America pageant in Orlando, Florida on Sunday night. Marsh, representing the state of Colorado, is the first active-duty Air Force officer ever to receive the national title.

    Ellie Breaux of Texas placed as first-runner-up.

    Fifty-one contestants participated in the event, representing all 50 US states, as well as the District of Columbia.

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Protestul transportatorilor continua! PDF Imprimare
Joi, 11 Ianuarie 2024 22:01

Ciolacu: Deblocăm angajările pentru aproape 8.000 de posturi în Sănătate şi Asistenţă Socială | Observator Constanța

UPDATE Nicusor Dan, despre protestul FERMIERILOR: „Trebuie lasati, este dreptul lor”
„Nu m-a consultat nimeni în legătură cu protestul fermierilor. Eu am autorizat absolut toate protestele, chiar și pe cele împotriva mea. Dar acum, nu m-a întrebat nimeni. Nici măcar prefectul nu m-a contactat. Probabil că în Piața Victoriei sunt garduri puse de Jandarmerie mai mult pentru protecție. Așa este protocolul. Dar, în opinia mea este un drept al lor să protesteze”, a declarat Nicușor Dan la emisiunea Culisele Statului Paralel

UPDATE: Diana Şoşoacă şi liderul AUR, George Simion, s-au dus în mijlocul protestatarilor, dar unii fermieri i-au strigat: „Lasă-ne protestul în pace!”

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Noua modalitate de a urmări polenul poate schimba jocul pentru cei care suferă de febra fânului PDF Imprimare
Marţi, 09 Ianuarie 2024 19:58

                      A new measure of pollen allergen count could help hay-fever sufferers pre-empt how they'll be affected

     For the first time, scientists have found that measuring airborne allergen levels, instead of the traditional method of pollen count, will dramatically help hay-fever sufferers pre-empt risk and combat debilitating symptoms.
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Robotul umanoid Kepler Forerunner se poate îndrepta către un loc de muncă din apropierea dvs PDF Imprimare
Duminică, 07 Ianuarie 2024 19:37

                         The Kepler Forerunner should enter production later this year

    What stands 178 cm tall (5 ft, 10 in), weighs 85 kg (187 lb) and has five-fingered hands with 12 degrees of freedom? That's right, it's the Kepler Forerunner humanoid robot, and it's set to debut next week at CES.
   Manufactured by China's Kepler Exploration Robot Company, the Forerunner is designed to be a direct competitor to Tesla's Optimus robot. That said, it is a bit more expensive. Whereas the latest price estimate for the Optimus is less than US$20,000, the Forerunner ought to go for about $30,000.

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