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Prima pilula COVID-19 trece testele umane, vezi aprobarea FDA...... PDF Imprimare
Marţi, 12 Octombrie 2021 11:50

The pill is taken twice a day for five days soon after the first signs of COVID-19

Pharmaceutical company Merck has revealed the first data from its large Phase 3 trial of an oral antiviral treatment for COVID-19. The interim results show the treatment reduces a person’s risk of hospitalization or death from COVID-19 by 50 percent when taken within five days of symptoms appearing.
From vaccines to monoclonal antibodies, an extraordinary array of COVID-19 therapies have been developed over the past 18 months. While the pandemic is far from over, doctors are certainly better equipped than ever to fight this novel coronavirus, but there is one big missing link in their current toolkit – a pill that can be taken at home at the earliest sign of coronavirus infection.

Merck’s oral COVID-19 drug is called molnupiravir. The drug had been in development for several years before the pandemic as an antiviral agent targeting RNA viruses, with a primary focus on influenza.

In late 2019 the drug was ready for initial human trials targeting influenza, but when SARS-CoV-2 appeared all research focus shifted to whether molnupiravir would work against coronaviruses. In May 2020 pharma giant Merck stepped in to accelerate clinical trials and by October a large Phase 2/3 began, spanning over 20 countries.

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Studiul confirmă faptul că carnea de vită și înlocuitorii săi diferă din punct de vedere nutrițional PDF Imprimare
Joi, 08 Iulie 2021 11:39

Patties made of a plant-based beef substitute were found to contain nutrients not present in beef – but beef patties were also found to contain nutrients not present in the substitute

  "Patties made of a plant-based beef substitute were found to contain nutrients not present in beef – but beef patties were also found to contain nutrients not present in the substitute

    Given how meat-like some plant-based meat substitutes have become, it's understandable that many people are considering simply switching over to them. According to new research, however, the two food types are far from being nutritionally identical.


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Studiul asupra stresului arată că părul cărunt este reversibil PDF Imprimare
Joi, 24 Iunie 2021 08:39

                          New research has offered intriguing new insights into the process of graying hair, and also shown how it might be reversed through alleviating stress

    History is littered with anecdotal evidence of the relationship between stress and graying hair, from Marie Antionette's overnight transformation following her capture, to US presidents taking on more salt than pepper during their tenure. A new study has produced first-of-a-kind scientific evidence of this connection, identifying proteins in human hairs that seem to drive this process, while also demonstrating how it might even be reversed.

The study was carried out by scientists at Columbia University who took aim at what they see as a gap in this type of research so far. While psychological stress has long been seen as a driver of graying hair, it has been difficult for scientists to connect the dots, as correlating hair pigmentation with times of individual stress is a tricky undertaking.

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Crema Lift Ultra-Activă PDF Imprimare
Luni, 26 Aprilie 2021 12:52
    Crema Lift Ultra-Activă conține o combinație unică de extracte și ingrediente naturale cu proprietăți antirid, care măresc elasticitatea pielii, regenerează și hidratează intens tenul.Prin blocarea rapidă a contracţiilor spontane ale muşchilor feţei, crema are un efect decrispant instantaneu şi reducerea ridurilor este vizibilă după numai o zi de aplicare. Microrelieful pielii se ameliorează după numai 10 zile de utilizare a cremei.
AslaVital Lift Instant este prima gamă cosmetică din România cu Complexul Argilă-Gatuline, care acționeză în profunzime la nivelul tenului pentru un efect vizibil de întinerire încă de la primele utilizări.
Gatuline Expression, un extract natural din planta Acmella Oleraceea, ajută la decrisparea instantanee a pielii și la blocarea contracțiilor spontane ale mușchilor acesteia pentru a reduce ridurile chiar din prima zi de aplicare.
În plus, datorită conținutului bogat în minerale, argila contribuie la regenerarea, calmarea și remineralizarea oricărui tip de ten.
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Gel Spumant Purifiant PDF Imprimare
Luni, 29 Martie 2021 10:00
   Set tratament cosmetic Gerovital Stop Acnee: Gel spumant purifiant, 150 ml + Crema gel sebum-control, 50 ml + Crema ultra-activa, 15 ml
   Asigură spălarea blândă și eficientă a feței fără să usuce pielea. Îndepărtează impuritățile și excesul de sebum. 

Fără parabeni. Eficacitate demonstrată sub control dermatologic. 
Principala problemă a apariției imperfecțiunilor este incapacitatea pielii de a respira normal: porii sunt astupați, iar sebum-ul secretat de glande rămâne sub primele straturi de piele.
Acneea poate fi noninflamatorie, când nu este implicată componența bacteriană, caracterizându-se prin apariția comedoanelor deschise (punctele negre) sau închise (punctele albe) și inflamatorie, când este implicată și componenta bacteriană, caracterizându-se prin apariția papulelor, pustulelor, nodulilor și chisturilor.

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