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Dispozitivul purtat pe frunte ar putea îmbunătăți tratamentul icterului pentru copii PDF Imprimare
Luni, 08 Martie 2021 07:52
The device, not seen in this photo, could minimize the amount of time jaundiced infants need to spend receiving phototherapy
The device, not seen in this photo, could minimize the amount of time jaundiced infants need to spend receiving phototherapy

According to Japan's Yokohama National University, jaundice occurs in 60 to 80 percent of all newborn babies, and can result in brain damage or even death if left unchecked. That's why they've developed a new wearable device to help in its treatment.

Jaundice is caused by an elevation of bloodstream levels of a compound known as bilirubin, which causes the skin to turn yellow. Treatment typically involves exposing the infant to blue light, which breaks the bilirubin down so it can be passed with the urine. That said, the process takes away from time in which the infant could be bonding with its mother, plus it can lead to dehydration and the development of allergies.

Currently, pediatricians periodically assess bilirubin levels in jaundiced babies via a handheld tool known appropriately enough as a bilirubinometer. Led by Assoc. Prof. Hiroki Ota, a team of Yokohama scientists set out to develop a device that performs the same task continuously.


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" Starea de bine a copiilor de varsta scolara, o prioritate!" PDF Imprimare
Joi, 25 Februarie 2021 11:09

Ar putea fi o imagine cu 6 persoane, persoane în picioare şi text care spune „FUNDAȚIA PRAIS ȘI EU TRĂIESC SĂNĂTOS! NE NESTLÉ for HEALTHIER KIDS Lansare E-book: Starea de bine a școlarilor, oprioritate! Silvia Bucur Președinte Fundația PRAIS Gabriela Szabo Multiplă campioană olimpică Nicoleta Tupiță Nutriț›ionist Dietetician Monica Stănescu Profesor Universitar Doctor Monica Bolocan Psiholog Mihaela Oros Medic”

                    Si Eu Traiesc Sanatos - SETS
      Vă invităm de azi să citiți și să distribuiți prietenilor noul E-book
      SETS ,,Starea de bine a școlarilor, o prioritate!”, o carte ce reunește sfaturile unor experți de marcă din domeniile: psihologiei copilului
nutriției, sportuluisomnologiei, mobilizării elevilor în activități extracurriculare benefice
Cartea poate fi citită și descărcată gratuit de pe următorul link:
     Lectură placută!
      Mulțumim mult, Gabriela Szabo, Nicoleta Tupiță, Monica Stanescu, Monica Bolocan, Mihaela Oros, Silvia Bucur, pentru recomandările prețioase, ce vor contribui la sănătatea și starea de bine a copiilor!
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Commission authorises third vaccine against COVID-19 PDF Imprimare
Luni, 01 Februarie 2021 15:18
Picture of a vaccine sample
    The European Commission has granted on 29 January a conditional marketing authorisation for the COVID‑19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca. The authorisation follows a positive scientific recommendation based on a thorough assessment of the safety, effectiveness and quality of the vaccine by the European Medicines Agency and is endorsed by the Member States.
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Anticorpii monoclonali pot preveni COVID-19 sever, dar există o captură PDF Imprimare
Joi, 28 Ianuarie 2021 13:23

      Interim data from Regeneron's Phase 3 trial suggests monoclonal antibodies are effective in preventing COVID-19 but the cost of manufacturing these medicines may limit their use

    Interim data from Regeneron's Phase 3 trial suggests monoclonal antibodies are effective in preventing COVID-19 but the cost of manufacturing these medicines may limit their use

    Promising interim data from a unique Phase 3 trial testing the efficacy of a monoclonal antibody cocktail developed to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection has been announced by pharmaceutical company Regeneron. The preliminary results suggest this novel treatment is 100 percent effective at preventing symptomatic infection, but despite these positive signs there are concerns the prohibitive cost of producing monoclonal antibody therapies will severely limit widespread use.

   Last week pharma company Eli Lilly revealed its monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19 is 80 percent effective at preventing viral infection. Not to be outdone, Lilly’s major monoclonal antibody competitor Regeneron is now announcing early results from its ongoing Phase 3 clinical trial.

Monoclonal antibody treatments are a little different to vaccines. Instead of teaching a body how to produce antibodies against a virus, monoclonal antibodies are a single dose of lab-produced antibodies intended to either prevent infection or reduce the severity of a disease for a short period of time.

Regeneron’s therapy is called REGEN-COV and it comprises two different but complimentary types of lab-engineered antibodies developed to rapidly stop the virus from replicating inside an infected patient. These kinds of monoclonal antibody therapies are designed to be administered to subjects at high-risk of being infected with SARS-CoV-2, or given to patients at the very earliest stage of COVID-19.


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Fiole cu Acid Hialuronic Hyaluron C, 2% PDF Imprimare
Miercuri, 20 Ianuarie 2021 11:08
GH3 Hyaluron C Fiole cu acid hialuronic si vitamina C, 10 fiole*2 ml
   Fiolele conțin un ser bogat în Acid hialuronic pur şi lipozomal și Vitamina C, ingrediente cu efecte de hidratare, antirid, antioxidante, care asigură umplerea și netezirea ridurilor dinspre interior și previn efectele nedorite ale îmbătrânirii premature a pielii. 
Testat dermatologic. 
Aceste fiole sunt recomandate persoanelor care au nevoie de hidratare și de stimularea procesului de reînnoire celulară - tenuri obosite, tenuri care necesită uniformizare a aspectului pielii, tenuri cu riduri fine și de expresie, tenuri acneice. Conțin un ser bogat în acid hialuronic pudră și lipozomal și vitamina C, cu efecte antirid, de umplere a ridurilor, efecte hidratante și de protecție a pielii și efecte de corectare a micilor imperfecțiuni - conferind uniformizarea aspectului pielii și un plus de luminozitate/strălucire. 
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