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Metastudy afirmă că dietele cu conținut scăzut de carbohidrați pot inversa diabetul de tip 2 PDF Imprimare
Vineri, 15 Ianuarie 2021 12:14

Research suggests low-carb diets are the most effective diets to manage type 2 diabetes but the benefits may be limited to a short, six-month timeframe

Research suggests low-carb diets are the most effective diets to manage type 2 diabetes but the benefits may be limited to a short, six-month timeframe

A new systematic review and meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal has concluded adhering to a low-carbohydrate diet for six months is the most effective dietary strategy to put type type 2 diabetes into remission.

A number of studies over the past few years have found dietary changes can be the most effective first-line treatment for those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Low-calorie diets, fasting diets and plant-based diets have all been shown to be potentially helpful in controlling, or even reversing, type 2 diabetes, and the new research set out to better understand what specific type of dietary intervention is best for type 2 diabetics.


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Fiole Antiacnee PDF Imprimare
Miercuri, 28 Octombrie 2020 13:09

Crema ultra-activa 2 Gerovital Stop Acnee, 15 ml, Farmec

Gerovital Stop Acnee

Fiolele antiacnee au fost concepute ca un tratament intensiv pentru puseurile acneice sau pentru cazurile de acnee recurentă.
  • Formulă pentru tratament intensiv. 
  • Reduce cu până la 100%* totalul elementelor acneice.
Ingrediente active
Având în vedere problematica complexă și multitudinea de factori implicați în fiziopatologia acneei, pentru asigurarea unui tratament eficient, fiolele conțin un ser bogat în principii active care acționează sinergic și complementar: Synactin® AC, acid salicilic, niacinamidă, glicirizinat de potasiu, lactat de sodiu.

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LED-urile ultraviolete propuse pentru producerea de vitamina D în condiții de siguranță pentru piele PDF Imprimare
Vineri, 02 Octombrie 2020 14:21

UV LEDs (pictured here in a blacklight flashlight) could help seniors produce much-needed vitamin D, without causing skin damage

Even though we're warned about the harmful effects of the ultraviolet (UV) rays in sunlight, they're essential for the production of vitamin D in the body. Now, scientists are claiming that UV LEDs could serve as a safe alternative to sunlight, when the latter isn't available in sufficient amounts.
Among other things, vitamin D helps reduce the loss of bone density and muscle mass, particularly in the elderly. And while the vitamin can be taken in supplement form, it's most effective when naturally generated by the body, in response to sunlight exposure.
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Kit regenerare păr fiole PDF Imprimare
Duminică, 23 August 2020 11:04

Kit tratament regenerare par Tratament Expert, 10 fiole x 10ml, Gerovital

    Acest kit reprezintă aliatul perfect împotriva efectelor nocive ale razelor UV, poluanților, colorărilor oxidative sau a tratamentelor agresive la temperaturi înalte la care părul tău este supus frecvent. Este un produs cosmetic pentru uz extern, atât pentru femei cât şi pentru bărbaţi.
Principiile active din formulele concentrate ale celor două seruri se combină şi acţionează sinergic pentru: îmbunătăţirea circulaţiei la nivel capilar, normalizarea secreţiei glandelor sebacee, prevenirea căderii părului, stimularea creşterii sănătoase a firului de păr. Format din 2 seruri de regenerare, kitul de tratament Gerovital are la bază o formulă inovatoare cu un complex de vitamine B5, A și E, extracte vegetale și Keratină ce luptă eficient împotriva căderii excesive a părului, a deshidratării, oxidării și împiedică cu succes pierderea elasticității, uscarea scalpului și îngrășarea excesivă.
În plus, principiile active furnizează cele necesare creșterii sănătoase a părului, dându-i un aspect îngrijit și strălucitor.
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Vaccinul Oxford COVID-19 este sigur și induce un răspuns imun ? PDF Imprimare
Luni, 27 Iulie 2020 13:54

Positive data from a clinical trial does not demonstrate a vaccine developed at Oxford protects against COVID-19 but it does suggest it induces an immune response similar to what has been detected in patients who have recovered from the disease

Positive data from a clinical trial does not demonstrate a vaccine developed at Oxford protects against COVID-19 but it does suggest it induces an immune response similar to what has been detected in patients who have recovered from the disease

Initial human trial results for a promising COVID-19 vaccine have been been published in the journal The Lancet. The vaccine, developed at Oxford University, has so far been found to be safe and induce the two key immune responses needed to protect against coronavirus infection.

The Oxford COVID-19 vaccine, recently renamed from ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 to AZD1222, was developed incredibly rapidly, with Phase 1/2 human trials starting in April. The newly published preliminary data reports the results of a blind, randomized controlled trial testing the safety and immunogenicity of the experimental vaccine in 1,000 subjects.

The cohort blindly received either AZD1222 or a meningococcal vaccine as control. The initial phases of human testing in a vaccine trial are designed to investigate how safe the new vaccine is and whether it triggers biomarkers associated with an effective immune response.


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