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INS: Numărul locurilor de muncă vacante a scăzut cu 3.800 în ultimul trimestru din 2020 PDF Imprimare
Sâmbătă, 20 Februarie 2021 08:15


Imagini pentru muncitori

     Numărul locurilor de muncă vacante s-a situat în ultimul trimestru din 2020 la 35.600, în scădere cu 3.800 faţă de trimestrul anterior, conform unui comunicat al Institutului Naţional de Statistică, remis joi AGERPRES.
    Rata locurilor de muncă vacante a fost 0,73%, în scădere cu 0,08 puncte procentuale faţă de trimestrul precedent.
    Comparativ cu acelaşi trimestru al anului 2019, rata locurilor de muncă vacante a scăzut cu 0,22 puncte procentuale, iar numărul locurilor de muncă vacante a coborât cu 11.500.

În trimestrul IV 2020, rate relativ mari ale locurilor de muncă vacante s-au înregistrat în administraţia publică (1,85%), sănătate şi asistenţă socială (1,51%), respectiv activităţi de spectacole, culturale şi recreative (1,16%).


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Antidepresiv găsit pentru a promova vindecarea articulațiilor osteoartrite PDF Imprimare
Joi, 18 Februarie 2021 11:49
Scientists have found a promising new pathway in their pursuit of cures for osteoarthritis, finding that an approved anti-depressant can halt or even reverse the degeneration of joint cartilage
Scientists have found a promising new pathway in their pursuit of cures for osteoarthritis, finding that an approved anti-depressant can halt or even reverse the degeneration of joint cartilage

As a degenerative disease that gradually wears away at the joint cartilage and causes great pain for sufferers, scientists are searching far and wide for potential cures for osteoarthritis. For researchers at Pennsylvania State University, that search has led them to an approved anti-depressant drug, which they’ve found interferes in the chain of events leading to the condition, halting its progress and even promoting the regeneration of cartilage.

The breakthrough that may provide the first-ever treatment for osteoarthritis centers on an enzyme called G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2). The Penn State team had established through earlier research that the activity of this enzyme plays a key role in the way cells proliferate in heart and kidney disease, which has some parallels with the way the pathological growth of cartilage cells leads to osteoarthritis. Scientists call this process chondrocyte hypertrophy, but have been unable to pinpoint the reasons behind it.


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Joby Aviation este de acord cu clasa de certificare eVTOL cu FAA PDF Imprimare
Miercuri, 10 Februarie 2021 14:26

                            Joby Aviation has built and flight-tested its five-seat, six-rotor eVTOL air taxi

    eVTOL market leader Joby Aviation has announced its first revenue in a partnership with the US Air Force's Agility Prime program, as well as the path it's agreed on with the FAA for certifying its revolutionary tilt-rotor electric air taxi
   The US military doesn't just see electric VTOLs as a warfighting and logistics opportunity. The Agility Prime team makes the argument that American financial success in what's projected to be an enormous eVTOL air taxi market is itself a matter of national security.

   It makes sense, then, to partner with Joby Aviation. Joby was one of the earliest companies on the eVTOL bandwagon, and appears at this stage to be leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else in the industry. Not only does it have massive financial and mass production resources at its beck and call thanks to a huge investment from Toyota, it also has a highly advanced six-rotor transitioning aircraft prototyped at full scale and more than 1,000 test flights completed. Indeed, Joby's machine is the first eVTOL ever to be awarded an airworthiness approval by the US Air Force.


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New support to produce COVID-19 vaccines and treatments in Canada PDF Imprimare
Miercuri, 03 Februarie 2021 13:27

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  Since the beginning of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Canada has worked quickly to strengthen and expand our capacity to manufacture safe and effective vaccines, treatments, and related supplies across the country. This includes investing in made-in-Canada projects to protect Canadians from COVID-19 and ensure our country is well-positioned to fight future pandemics here at home.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the government has signed a memorandum of understanding with Novavax to pursue the production of its COVID-19 vaccine at the National Research Council of Canada’s Biologics Manufacturing Centre in Montréal.

The Prime Minister also announced investments to support vaccine, therapeutic, and biomanufacturing projects in Canada. These include:

  • Up to $25.1 million to Precision NanoSystems Incorporated (PNI), a Vancouver-based biotechnology company, to expand our ability to produce ribonucleic acid vaccines and future genetic medicines in Canada. PNI will build a $50.2 million biomanufacturing centre to produce vaccines and therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as infectious diseases, rare diseases, cancer and other areas of unmet need.
  • Up to $14 million to Edesa Biotech Inc. (Edesa), a biopharmaceutical company based in Markham, Ontario, to advance work on a monoclonal antibody therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome, which is the leading cause of COVID-19 deaths. Edesa’s $18.7 million project has received Health Canada approval to conduct its phase 2 clinical trials, and has begun administering its treatment to clinical trial participants in Canada.
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Apollo 14: Misiunea care a salvat programul SUA Moon PDF Imprimare
Luni, 01 Februarie 2021 15:10

The future of teh US Moon program depended on the success

The future of the US Moon program depended on the success of Apollo 14

Fifty years ago today, on January 31, 1971, at 4:03 pm EST, a Saturn V rocket lifted off from Pad A of Launch Complex 39 at the Kennedy Space Center carrying Apollo 14 – the Moon mission that would make or break the US space program.

If Apollo 14 is remembered at all by most people, it's mainly as the answer to trivia questions like, who was the oldest man to walk on the Moon, or what is the longest lunar golf drive? But it was far more than that. Arguably, it was one of the most important of all the Apollo lunar landing missions, with the possible exception of Apollo 11.

This is because Apollo 14 was the follow-on mission from the ill-fated Apollo 13, which suffered an oxygen tank explosion on the way to the Moon that crippled the Command Service Module (CSM) and forced the three astronauts aboard to use the Lunar Module (LM) as a lifeboat as they struggled to return to Earth.

It was a heroic episode that showed the value of courage, innovation, and training, but it also almost killed the Apollo program, which was already faced with an indifferent public and a hostile congress that would rather spend the NASA budget elsewhere. This put a lot of pressure on the space agency and the crew of Apollo 14. If it failed, if it was forced to turn back, it would almost certainly have been the last American Moon landing for the foreseeable future.


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