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Marina SUA transmite fără fir 1,6 kW de putere pe kilometru, folosind microunde PDF Imprimare
Sâmbătă, 23 Aprilie 2022 08:26
A microwave dish transmitter is pointed toward a rectifying antenna in part of the Safe and Continuous Power Beaming – Microwave (SCOPE-M) demonstration
  A microwave dish transmitter is pointed toward a rectifying antenna in part of the Safe and Continuous Power Beaming – Microwave (SCOPE-M) demonstration

In what it describes as the most significant demonstration of its kind in half a century, the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) beamed 1.6 kW of power over a kilometer (3,280 ft) using a microwave beam at the US Army Research Field in Maryland.

The idea of transmitting power over long distances without wires has been around for well over a century. By the 1970s, the technology was mature enough to make it a key component in a concept by American physicist Gerard K. O'Neil that proposed establishing space colonies to build huge solar collector stations to beam power back to Earth.

The principle is simple enough. Electricity is converted to microwaves, which are then focused in a tight beam at a receiver made up of what are called rectenna elements. These are very simple components that consist of an x-band dipole antenna with an RF diode. When microwaves strike the rectenna, the elements generate DC current.


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Societe Generale încetează activitățile de banking și asigurări în Rusia PDF Imprimare
Luni, 11 Aprilie 2022 13:40
   Societe Generale ceases its banking and insurance activities in Russia and announces the signing of a sale and purchase agreement to sell its entire stake in Rosbank and the Group’s Russian insurance subsidiaries to Interros Capital, the previous shareholder of Rosbank. With this agreement, concluded after several weeks of intensive work, the Group would exit in an effective and orderly manner from Russia, ensuring continuity for its employees and clients.
   This contemplated transaction, which remains subject to the approval of the relevant regulatory and anti-trust authorities, will be conducted in compliance with the legal and regulatory obligations in force.
*__ Societe  Generale
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Valurile de căldură record au lovit Arctica și Antarctica PDF Imprimare
Joi, 24 Martie 2022 12:23

Scientists have logged record-breaking temperatures in the Antarctic, as well as the Arctic

Scientists have logged record-breaking temperatures in the Antarctic, as well as the Arctic

     Scientists have long warned that with the climate continuing to change we can expect extreme weather events to increase in frequency, and freak heatwaves hitting either end of the planet this week serve as a pertinent example. Temperatures have been recorded in both the Antarctic and Arctic that are so far beyond the norm, that one expert says they would have previously been thought impossible.

     In January of 2020, scientists at the Casey Research Station in East Antarctica recorded the continent's first heatwave, logging temperatures of 9.2 °C (48.6 °F). In a new record for the month of March as the continent heads into winter, air temperatures last week hit a maximum of 5.6 °C (42 °F). The Italian-French Concordia research station on the Antarctic Plateau recorded temperatures of -12.2 °C (10 °F), the highest ever not just for March but any month of the year, as noted by Antarctica climatology researcher and journalist Stefano Di Battista on Twitter.


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Ipoteza ingrijoratoare:" Ucraina e doar o etapa intermediara" PDF Imprimare
Miercuri, 16 Martie 2022 17:25

Putin cere imposibilul Ucrainei: să recunoască oficial că FCSB e Steaua! | Times New Roman - Cotidian independent de umor voluntar

Ofensiv militara inceputa de Vladimir Putin, continua si la posturile locale de televizor, ale Rusiei. Astfel, un cunoscut sustinator, Vladimir Soloviev, a lansat niste ipoteze ce pot fi considerate ingrijoratoare si amenintatoare.

Soloviev susține că invazia Ucrainei reprezintă doar începutul unui plan ambițios al administrației de la Kremlin.

„Dacă voi credeți că ne vom opri în Ucraina, gândiți-vă la asta de 300 de ori! Permiteți-mi să vă reamintesc că Ucraina este doar o etapă intermediară!”, a avertizat propagandistul rus.

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Decizie de maxima importanta a guvernului Eston! PDF Imprimare
Luni, 14 Martie 2022 22:18

Võib olla pilt järgmisest: mälestusmärk ja vabas õhus

Astazi, Guvernul de la Talinn a redactat o cerere de maxima importanta in conflictul Ruso-Ucrainian, disputat pe taram ucrainian.

In contextul agresiunii neprovocate de Federatia Rusa, asupra Ucrainei, Guvernul Eston a votat cu 90 de voturi in favoare, implementarea unei zone aeriene de neagresiune aeriene, in Ucraina, si astfel implicarea ONU si NATO, in acest conflict militar, invocand ranirea civililor din acest razboi.

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