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Fiole antirid cu Retinol PDF Imprimare
Luni, 22 Aprilie 2019 18:28
                                  Fiole antirid cu Retinol Gerovital H3
    Retinolul este înglobat într-un film molecular microfluidizat, care îl stabilizează împotriva oxidării și îmbunătățește absorbția sa cutanată.
   Vitamina A - Palmitat este un antioxidant eficient în neutralizarea efectelor nedorite ale reacțiilor radicalice.
Acțiunea însumată a celor doi ingredienți duce la reînnoirea epidermei din profunzime spre exterior, având ca efecte ameliorarea ridurilor și redarea aspectului uniform, neted şi tineresc pielii.
Mod de utilizare
    Se pot utiliza de 2 - 3 ori pe săptămână, pe un ten curat, singure, sau în asociere cu Crema prevenire riduri sau Crema regenerare avansată, de preferință seara.
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"Molecular surgery" reshapes cartilage while sparing the scalpel PDF Imprimare
Joi, 04 Aprilie 2019 12:12

           While the technology could be utilized for cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty (pictured above), it may...

While the technology could be utilized for cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty (pictured above), it may also find use on tendons or corneas(Credit: VGeorgiev/Depositphotos)

    Currently, in order to reshape cartilage such as that within the nose, incisions and subsequent sutures are typically required. Not only is the procedure invasive, but it can also result in scarring. Now, however, scientists have demonstrated a new method of cartilage-reshaping that requires no cutting.

   First of all, there already is a procedure in which an infrared laser is used to heat up cartilage, making it malleable enough to be molded into the desired shape. According to the University of California-Irvine's Dr. Brian Wong, however, the process is expensive, plus it's difficult the heat the cartilage sufficiently without killing it.


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Grapefruit: few Health Benefits, Diet Tips and Fun Facts PDF Imprimare
Joi, 14 Martie 2019 19:49

     Grapefruit is a relatively new type of citrus fruit, it was bred in the 18th century as a cross between a pomelo and an orange. It was named grapefruit due to growing in clusters, similar to grapes. Interestingly, this super-food is truly a dividing one, because people either adore it or hate it, there is no in between. However, no-one can deny its health benefits, and all dietician recommend the incorporation of it in a regular diet, because it can help to resolve several health problems. Although, grapefruit can have adverse effects in combination with certain medication. Keep on reading, if you are concerned about the co-administered medication or if you would like to know more about its health benefits.

25. The Most Nutritious Citrus Fruit.



Grapefruit boosts your vitamin C level, which makes it highly nutritious amongst various citrus fruit, and it brings the benefits of which are derived from various nutrients and vitamins such as potassium, calcium and lycopene.



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Alzheimer's eye test could catch the disease before symptoms appear PDF Imprimare
Miercuri, 13 Martie 2019 15:01

            A newly published study adds weight to the growing body of evidence suggesting cognitive decline can...

A newly published study adds weight to the growing body of evidence suggesting cognitive decline can be tracked through changes in the eye(Credit: Wavebreakmedia/Depositphotos)

    A compelling new study, published in the journal Ophthalmology Retina, has reported that statistically significant differences can be identified in the retinas of patients with Alzheimer's disease. The finding paves the way for a future where the disease could be diagnosed from a simple eye scan before major symptoms appear.

    The Duke University research is centered around a non-invasive imaging technology called optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), which allows clinicians to rapidly examine the blood flow in tiny capillaries at the back of the retina.

    "We're measuring blood vessels that can't be seen during a regular eye exam and we're doing that with relatively new noninvasive technology that takes high-resolution images of very small blood vessels within the retina in just a few minutes," says senior author on the study, Sharon Fekrat. "It's possible that these changes in blood vessel density in the retina could mirror what's going on in the tiny blood vessels in the brain, perhaps before we are able to detect any changes in cognition."


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Cremă anti-age intens restructurantă PDF Imprimare
Vineri, 22 Februarie 2019 11:08
       Imagini pentru Gerovital H3 Evolution  poza
   Crema este recomandată pentru îngrijirea pe timpul nopții, moment în care procesele de regenerare și nutrire sunt amplificate.  Are efect anti-age imediat și de durată, conţine ingredienţi biomimetici (uleiuri, grăsimi, ceruri naturale) cu mare putere de reconstrucţie a tenului matur.
Fără oxibenzonă. Fără parabeni.

Ingrediente active
  • Ingredienţi biomimetici (uleiuri, grăsimi, ceruri naturale) cu mare putere de reconstrucţie.
  • Complexul anti-age Superoxid Dismutaza, Trylagen, GP4G asigură efecte anti-age de durată: atenuarea ridurilor, reînnoirea colagenului şi energia pură necesară funcţionării celulelor.
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